
23rd February 2017

Supporting our hospitals

Greg Johnston

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Sofas to the Family Room at Carlisle Children’s Ward

When a child has to have an operation it is an incredibly worrying time, sometimes many hours, for a parent. There is not a lot you can do during those hours but try to occupy yourself with anything possible…

The parents room at the Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle, needed a face lift and we decided it would make a huge difference during those hours of waiting if the room was comfortable, nice and pleasant to sit in… we started our ‘doing up’ of the parents room yesterday when we got rid of the old sofas (which were a little…tired!) and replaced with some lovely, comfy leather sofas!

We have much more to do on the room but this was a great start which will already have a big impact.

We must say a MASSIVE thank you to the fantasticMacs Removals Ltd who delivered the sofas and removed the old ones. The lads did an amazing job, very professional and on top of everything else they would not take any payment as they wanted to support Team Evie! What an tremendous, kind gesture it was from the company and we could not recommend them highly enough!