
Thermos mugs delivered to SCBU at West Cumberland Hospital

Imagine the situation… your new baby is admitted to the Special Care Baby Unit…a very stressful experience as you wait to find out what is happening, what treatment is needed, will they need to stay in hospital, what is going to happen?! During such times it is difficult to find any reprieve, and our default go-to at a time like this is ‘have a cuppa’…

Unfortunately due to the nature of being on a hospital ward, especially around tiny babies, drinking hot cups of tea or coffee is not safe, and this makes having your cuppa to calm your nerves and make you feel better often impossible in many wards. However, thanks to our fancy Team Evie thermos mugs this is no longer the case for parents in the SCBU at West Cumberland Hospital!

We delivered some of our wonderful Team Evie thermos mugs to the team, perfect for use in the Team Evie Family Room across the corridor for parents to make themselves a hot drink and not miss any time with their precious new baby!