
5th September 2017

Supporting our hospitals

Greg Johnston

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Mobile phone chargers to PICU at the RVI

One of the vital items we provide for PICU at the RVI is a box of mobile phone chargers. The reality is that they can get lost or broken, so here we are topping up the supply!!

We have shared this story before but it is well worth sharing again… early one morning we headed into PICU from the parent accommodation we were given during our time in hospital. Every morning was he same, we would be first to the ward and stay with Evie all day until we were told to go to sleep by the nurses. One particular morning was different. A little boy had been involved in an accident through night and rushed into intensive care. His mum was with him and understandably had just got to the hospital as quickly as she could. She had spent the night on the sofa in the family room with a blanket. We opened the door and were met with her distraught face as she begged “Have you got a phone charger? My battery has run out and I can’t contact my family!”. We didn’t have the right charger and couldn’t help the lady…we felt awful.

Thanks to your donations we have now made sure that this will never happen again. We have every charger imaginable in the box in PICU, so everyone is catered for. It seems such a small piece of equipment to provide, but my word it is important.

Thank you all for your support and donations that make it possible for us to help people so much.