
18th December 2018

12 Days of Christmas

Greg Johnston

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The 12 Days of Christmas – Day 5 – Board Games to Ward 10!

Welcome to Day 5 of our ’12 Days of Christmas’ feature!

To be sure that donations we make to hospitals will make an impact, one of the ways we decide on what to buy is through ‘Staff Wishlist’s that we ask nurses and doctors on each ward to fill in. Through a recent batch of these we were asked to help out with a problem on Ward 10 at the RVI…

Many of the children on Ward 10 (the Children’s Orthopaedic Ward) spend a lot of time bed-ridden either after surgery or while in hospital for care/treatment. This leads to many hours of time looking for something to take their mind off their pain or discomfort. To help with this staff asked if we may be able to provide some board games for the children…

So, we are proud to donate a large selection of board games for the children on the ward – including many classics; Battleships, Cluedo, Hungry Hippos, Snakes & Ladders, Connect 4 and many more!